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Influencer Marketing

Tips for Launching an Influencer Marketing Campaign

The article below covers some basic considerations to make before you start an influencer marketing campaign. It was originally written and published on

For years, businesses have used multiple digital channels to grow their reach and increase traffic to their web pages. Many businesses have exhausted resources into creating onsite content, curating social channels, email marketing, and other paid, earned, owned media promotions. While investing in these areas do yield results, they can be costly and hard for small businesses to justify.

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Social Media

What Drives Social Sharing? The Psychology of Viral Content

The article below “What Drives Social Sharing? The Psychology of Viral Content” originally appeared on CorpNet.

Social media can be tricky to understand. What people share, like, and comment on often seems random or irrelevant. However, new research into the science behind social sharing is helping us better understand the factors of viral content. No longer are the “how” and “why” of content engagement a mystery.

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Content Strategy Conversion Optimization

Using Content To Build Lead Flow | CopyPress

This is an article I wrote for this really awesome content creation and promotion company, CopyPress. The article walks you through some really creative ways to use content to drive leads. If you want to learn more about content and lead generation, contact me!

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